
What Room Should You Renovate First?

Bruce Canerday
October 13, 2023
5 min read

Kickstarting Your Home Renovation: Where to Begin

The idea to renovate a house can come with a number of different reasons. The purchase of a new house, the selling of an old house or even just simply getting tired of how your current house looks are all valid reasons to want to start a full-house renovation. The project at hand of renovation can seem overwhelming no matter the size of your house. However, taking it one step at a time and starting in the right place can be huge in limiting both the stress and anxiety of what to do.

In some cases, there may be rooms that have become unusable or uninhabitable because of the area needing a major renovation. If that is the case, it is best to focus on what room would really need it the most if the area has become that drastic. This could be an old bathroom or maybe a guest room that has been used for storage for a long time. No matter the case, this should be tackled first.

What room should you renovate first?


If there is no room that drastically needs an immediate renovation, the best place to start in any house is the kitchen. Generally, this room hosts both the most traffic of any household as well as the most appliances. Because of this, a good kitchen can be a huge factor for anyone either buying or selling a home.

Although renovating a kitchen is most likely going to cost more to renovate than any other room, a renovated kitchen will help increase the value of any home more than others. Renovating a kitchen can include a number of upgrades including a flooring change, countertops being replaced, repainting drawers and cabinets as well as replacing all the appliances that are generally found in a kitchen.

What room should you renovate first?

Things such as valuable counter space and good lighting can also go a long way for a good kitchen as both are huge factors when it comes to cooking. A kitchen is typically a place that brings people together and lets creativity flow in a way that everyone can enjoy. This room should always be on the top of the list for needing a renovating for all of these reasons.


Outside of the kitchen, it is highly recommended that bathrooms be high on the list of rooms that need to be renovated the earliest. Since this room is one of the most important rooms of any household because anyone and everyone has a need for it, renovating bathrooms are key in rising the value of a home.

Not only that, but since these rooms are much smaller and require less technology than kitchens, they will be much cheaper to renovate.

When it comes to renovating a bathroom, there are several aspects of the room that can be changed. Just like kitchens, the countertops and flooring of a bathroom are essential in renovating this room. Having a nice countertop with a material like granite can make a bathroom look brand new since that is where a lot of attention goes.

What room should you renovate first?

Making sure that all the other facilities like cabinet doorknobs, faucets and showerheads, if the bathroom has a shower, are all important items to replace. Stainless steel items will match just about any color and style that the room is going for and can make any bathroom look extremely nice.

Repainting cabinets just like kitchens can also help but is not as much of a factor when it comes to everything else that should be considered when renovating a bathroom. It really comes down to a lot of details to make a bathroom look shiny and new.

And while this room can be a lot cheaper than a kitchen to renovate, if issues such as plumbing arise, it could raise the price of the overall task.

Living Room

The first rooms of kitchen and bathroom are the main two that should be focused on. After that, it is best to start going down the list of what rooms either have the most traffic or have the most space to renovate.

The living room is an ideal place to start a renovation since that will be the most viewed room after the kitchen. This area of the house typically hosts the most amount of people from those who live there to their guest. Similar to the kitchen, this room will cost more than renovating a bathroom as there is much more to do in this room.

In a living room, carpet is always a large factor in the room and is almost always a necessity when renovating the area. Not only this, but there is a lot of furniture to replace or change that can run a high bill. Painting the room is also a something to consider when renovating the room and should match the style of the carpeting and furniture so the whole room comes together.

What room should you renovate first?

Things to consider

When beginning any kind of renovation or renovating of this size, a budget has to be determined beforehand. This helps with not only being able to figure out how much to spend for each part of the renovations, but also puts a set limit as to not get away and purchase unnecessary items that will do very little for the overall room.

It also helps to determine what room is used the most. While it is important to focus on the larger rooms such as the kitchen, every house is different and could call for different kinds of renovations in all different sorts of places.

One last thing to consider is look at your house from a guest’s perspective. It is one thing to look at a house as someone who lives there but think about how you are and what you do in other places. This will help be able to accompany for not only you and the residents of your home, but also everyone and anyone who may come and visit.

What room should you renovate first?
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Bruce Canerday